Friday, April 3, 2020

No Business As Usual

So with all the sh...stuff going on, have to say things here at BFS are about as good as they could be.  Biggest outrage this week was one day we got a Daily News instead of an Inquirer.

In Football Manager, Forest Green continues towards promotion to League One for the 2020-21 season.  Spending most of my time looking at players to improve the roster either through transfers or loans.  The transfer possibilities usually have one of two answers - 1) I'm not interested in playing for your team or 2) I want a salary beyond what your board will allow.  Loan inquiries frequently are answered one of three ways - 1) we prefer that the loanee play with higher quality players 2) we want you to pay a higher percentage of the loanee's salary than you can afford or 3) we're fine with the loan but the player doesn't want to play for you.  So, yeah, that's been a slow process.  Cross 'em off and go to the next on the list until I find one willing to play for me at a price I can afford.

In the Real World

Developments in England are minimal.  According to this Joint Statement from the relevant parties, they'll meet again in 48 hours to discuss.  In the US, we hear that the MLS still has plans for a full 34 game season that would run into December.  This would likely involve many weeks with two games but doesn't sound implausible - if the start date is soon enough.  I offer an alternative if time is short.  Cut the season to 24 games by simply playing home and away against teams in your own conference.  Of the games already played, only use intra-conference matches.  This would result in an even strength of schedule.  Too logical, right?

Stay safe.

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