Friday, June 19, 2015

Blondes Have More Fouls?

Watching the Women's World Cup with my step-daughter Mackenzie (herself a four-time all Public League soccer player) has provided perspectives on the game that I wouldn't have gotten at, say, the local pub watching with the guys.  For example, comments like these:

"Megan Rapinoe has to be higher up the field.  She's no good to us getting the ball at the center line."
"Did you see how quickly the Swedish defenders re-formed a straight back line as soon as the ball was cleared?"
"We're too crowded on this side of the field."

are interspersed with observations such as these:

"Look at Sydney Leroux's foundation! 75 minutes into the match and her make-up is still perfect"
"I don't understand why more women don't put their hair in a bun.  The pigtails just flop around and slap you in the face."
"She needs a new sports bra."

Plus there were these interchanges.

Mackenzie: That Swedish player is a bully.
Me: Which one?
Mackenzie: The tall, blonde one.
Me: Okay, that narrows it down.

Me: Did you see Hope Solo punch that ball?
Mackenzie: Too soon.

But let me warn you.  Don't get her started on the issue of the tournament being played on artificial turf instead of grass.  "Stupid, sexist FIFA" is the only part of her tirade that I can print here.  And, of course, you know she's right.  There is no chance - NONE - that a major men's tournament would be played on anything but grass.  The "official" reason is that it's hard to grow grass in Canada's climate.  Probably true.  But I've seen temporary sod put down over turf; not ideal but still better than playing on plastic carpet. My understanding is that there was a firm willing to do just that for free so the cost couldn't be the real problem.  Just another example of FIFA's incompetence.

Form Basically Holds in the Group Stage

Despite some lackluster play by the favorites and some upsets, the final standings in the group stage aren't that far off what either FIFA or fivethirtyeight rankings would have suggested.  France lost to Colombia but still won their group; Germany could only manage a draw against the Netherlands but also still won their group.  Spain wasn't a clear choice to advance but they probably weren't expected to crash and burn with a last place finish and just one point.  Sweden failed to win a match, finished third and gets Germany in the Round of 16.

And the US?  Despite two wins and a draw, they really haven't looked all that solid yet.  Yes it was a tough group but they will have to beat better teams to win the tournament.  The back line and Hope Solo have played well, as has Rapinoe; but Lloyd and Holiday have struggled in the midfield.  The Yanks will face Colombia in the round of 16 (on Monday), then hopefully the winner of China-Cameroon.

As Chris K pointed out in the comments last week, the creation of the groups is different for the women.  Grant Wahl noted that "FIFA feels like it needs to put certain teams in certain cities to sell tickets and in certain time zones to help with TV ratings back home."  That process has resulted in the top three teams (Germany, USA and France) ending up on one side of the bracket which means things like Germany and France will probably face in the quarterfinals and US and Germany could face each other in the semis.  I guess it doesn't matter whether you have to beat the best team in the semis or the finals but it still sounds like another example of FIFA dissing the women's game.  Shhh, don't let Mackenzie know.

Don't Argue with the Referee (or the AR) Part I

The Croatia-Italy European qualifier would have been notable if only because Croatia was forced to host the match in an empty stadium because of fan misbehavior at an earlier contest.  Add to that, somehow a swastika had been cut into the field.  But my reason for mentioning this match was what happened to the Italians when they argued an offside call with the AR.  Seen here, the Croatians immediately restarted play, moved the ball quickly down field and scored.  Replays suggest the AR probably got the call wrong but you'll get no sympathy here.

Don't Argue with the Referee Part II

Embedded image permalinkThings were even more out of hand in the Seattle-Portland US Open Cup match.  The Sounders were already down two men (a red card and an injury after all subs had been used) when Mike Aziri got himself a red card as well.  Clint Dempsey felt the need to intervene and took the referee's notebook and can be seen in this video tearing it up, which of course, earned him a red card as well.  Seattle finished with seven men on the field and the match ended with a police escort for the refereeing crew.  I didn't see the match so I have no idea how good or bad the refereeing was.  I also don't care.  It could have been atrocious but this is unacceptable behavior.  Also too, watch Dempsey's theatrics after he realizes he's been red carded.  There is some question as to whether this constitutes referee assault, which carries with it an automatic three month ban.  Not clear whether any suspension would also apply to participation on the USMNT, which is set to play in the CONCACAF Gold Cup in July.  Reading the comments of several of the articles has been quite disheartening, with many suggesting that Dempsey's actions were justified by the poor refereeing.  Please do not think I'm saying it's okay for referees to suck.  The sport needs to raise the standards, but that has to occur with actions off the field, not by players taking matters into their own hands.  If you think behavior like this is the way to get there, well, I hope you enjoy your suspensions, because they will be frequent and long.

Hey Mackenzie, how was my rant?

Speaking of the US Open Cup, the Union eked out a win in their match, beating a lower division side in a shoot-out.  That suggests a performance more like the loss to NYCFC than the string of good outings against New England and DC United.  They return to MLS action on Saturday night with a trip to LA, which is not a good place for them to find their mojo.

It appears that the email notification function is not working again.  We plan to post throughout the summer so even if you don't hear from us, check in occasionally to see what's up.  In the meantime, we have top people working on the problem. 


  1. Dempsey's actions were bad--but I don't think "destructing the referee's personal property is tantamount to referee assault" as has been suggested. Yes, his actions were unprofessional and the suspension is fair...but it was a mostly harmless way to express his discontent. And his discontent was warranted, the refereeing was awful. Two of the previous red cards were awarded on plays that I'm not sure should have even been fouls. Still odd to see a professional team end with 7 players.

    1. USSF determined it was "abuse" not "assault" and gave Dempsey a three game suspension. While a strict read of the rules would say it was an assault (the notebook being part of the referee's equipment) one can argue that this interpretation was closer to the spirit of the rules. It sounds like his discontent may well have been warranted but the behavior was out of bounds.
